From Linux with love

Posted: February 14th, 2013 in Ideas

An old gamer just died. As he lived a good life he went to heaven but the Guardian was waiting at the gate and he was upset.
You cannot pass – he said – You were a good person every day. You helped old ladies cross the streets, you fed homeless cats, you worked hard for your family and you were a loving father and husband. But still, you cannot pass. Every night you became a blood thirsty monster killing instances of code called mobs and burning everything that stood in your way. And murderers go to hell. And haters go to hell.
But the gamer seemed untouched.
So? – he asked. The Guardian frowned unsure of player’s fate and God’s fairness, then flicked through the book of all knowledge. The sentence he was looking for has been inscribed in small print.
You will be sent to hell where demons of all destruction will feed upon your body and soul to the end of times – he frowned even more and added – though, you’re granted three wishes.


And the other two?
– I’ll tell you when I’m back.

Tres letras…

Posted: September 21st, 2010 in @, Arte

Każdą z osobna wstukuję na klawiaturze i telefon dzwoni sam. Wtedy się rozłączam. Potem znowu wpisuję i zaczynam dzwonić – tylko po to, żeby cichym click zakończyć połączenie. Lepiej próbować i nic nie osiągnąć, niż nie próbować i osiągnąć dno.

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Chodnikowe strachy

Posted: January 18th, 2010 in @, Arte

Punk Rock Chick silhouetteWidziałem ją na ulicy wychodząc z biura. Przez chwilę plątała mi się w głowie zagubiona myśl – “Biegnij! To ona! Zatrzymasz ją!” – ale nie, to byłoby niezdrowe. W świecie zdrowych ludzi, zimnych i wyrachowanych, romantyczne nadzieje są cliché. Dlatego nie mam nadziei i zamykam oczy, kiedy widzę ją w sklepie, w tramwaju, na środku rynku i dwa miejsca przede mną w ciasnym busie – tym razem naprawdę. Read the rest of this entry »

Monkey’s revenge!

Posted: May 29th, 2009 in Blender

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monkeyThis is what happens when you get lost in thoughts during labs and play with Blender’s particle system… The big bad monkey appears and bites you in the ass!

Done in about 20 minutes to kill some time. I hate computers in our programming lab – hair alone rendered for ages. Initially I was going to make the whole hairy character but there simply wasn’t enough CPU power to display all the vertices and work comfortably at the same time. It’s one of Blender’s issues, I wonder if they make it use GPU any soon. That’s the thing with open source: you find a bug, trace it, post and soon enough it’s fixed. Well, with new features it takes a little longer. But still, it’s sometimes hard to believe there are actually only few developers behind every open source project, often fewer than in those big commercial teams. Why? Because there are few good programmers willing to work for free. And why is it so hard to believe in? Because they work so damn good and fast while being the common people! No one hits Adobe’s IT with “Hey, I found a bug in this photo-thing source code!”. So… Yeah.

Long live computer generated monkeys! CGG is the most probable major for my engineer’s degree. Although, there’s nothing to show yet, arrangements have been made with a specific project in mind. It regards designing of the collision detection system, physics and maybe (probably time won’t allow but who knows?) some networking as well. OpenGL 4.0 or 4.1 (Ogre3D might support it in the future) and good old ANSI C++. As standard and pattern-based as possible. Prototype with text or 2d should come into being in a few weeks, however, don’t expect updates any time soon, I’m taking some time off at the end of semester. Monkeys made me do it.

Happy Birthday, Jing!

Posted: December 17th, 2008 in Gimp

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Everybody, meet Miss Jing – Miss Jing, meet Everybody! The lady lives in China and just turned 20. We’ve lost contact some time ago but I hope deep inside she knows I celebrate with her. Fulfill your dreams and become whomever you want!